Saturday, May 10, 2008


Well, how to start is the first question that I have on me :)

First of all, would like to explain a little bit what is Moldavite. Well, the name Moldavite is actually a name of a place somewhere in Cz Republic, near a river named Molduo and it is the place where most of "coca-cola green bottle" translucent color meteorites found. So Moldavite is the green translucent color meteorite.

Now we get to know that Moldavite is a type of meteorites. So why it is so unique? This meteorites is the only one that I am aware is 100% translucent in green coca-cola bottle color and if you look under light, the surface structure is so beautiful and when you turn on another side, you will see another structure patterns. And regarless the thickness of it, the same green color on every piece of Moldavite are the same coca-cola green. And when it is not under light, it looks the same as the rest of the meteorites... plain dark in color.

Another scientific fact is that Moldavite was created 15 million years ago and when it fell to our world, it hit Cz Republic, Austria and Germany. But majority are found in Cz Republic.

As just like any other meteorites, it hold a very powerful energy and can easily be felt by anyone. Some will feel heat, some will sense vibrations and some will feel palm sweating when hold it.

Moldavite can be found selling at most of shop that sells Crystal, however usually it is below 10gm (50 carat). If you come across a Moldavite above 40gm (200 carat) is considered very rare. And because it is like a glass, in fact it has same hardness as glass with Mohs Scale of 5.5 hence during mining of Moldavites, it easily chip on its fragile surface. Therefore a good quality Moldavite should be with no chip and especially big size Moldavite without chip is almost impossible.

In most cases, value of Moldavite goes exponentially vs weight, however need to consider other espect like chip condition, surface structure and the shape of it. Nowaday as Moldavite becoming more and more known to people, price has gone up in recent year. Another factor of price increase is due to less and less mining activities as less moldavite to be found.

Some says Moldavite is more rare than Diamond, and once the last piece is unearthed, those who hold the most Moldavite will monopoly the price of Moldavite.

Once you have found your 1st piece of Moldavite, you will want to own a 2nd piece as it is so special when you hold it. So I wish you who read this will start looking for your first piece of Moldavite.

1 comment:

Sophia said...

Unlike all other gemstones, it was formed from the impact of an intense meteorite shower between 15 and 20 million years ago moldavite